DADDY Magazine

For DADDY magazine’s Joy Issue, Deidre wrote an essay entitled “After Ten Years of Loving Women, I Have Found Unbridled Lesbian Joy.” The issue includes 130 pages of original content dedicated to the small and big things that bring us happiness.

“About a month after we started dating, Paula, a veterinary graduate, travelled to Schöppingen for a three-week internship at a slaughterhouse. Halfway through her absence, my doorbell rang. I wasn't expecting a delivery, especially not a boxed bouquet of flowers. I opened the accompanying card, and my heart burst into a kaleidoscope of butterflies.

"I want to do with you what spring does to the cherry trees," read the text, in Spanish, a quote from Pablo Neruda, a Chilean poet. I was overcome with joy. It was the most romantic gesture I had received in forever.”